Art is the Way by Dr. Ade Fabola

Art is the Way by Dr. Ade Fabola

Price: £14.98

ISBN: 978-1-914933-87-5

In this collection of ideas and musings on art and the creative process, Dr Fabola brings the reader scintillating stories and tales from his everyday highs and lows as an independent artist, along with ideas from psychology and scientific literature on how these ideas, when viewed and interpreted through the art lens, can influence our lives for the better. This book is an ode to art and the creative process, specifically, art as a way of life.

Bryan Charnley – Art & Adversity (Second Enlarged Edition) by James Charnley

Bryan Charnley – Art & Adversity (Second Enlarged Edition) by James Charnley

Price: £24.95

ISBN: 978-1-8383868-7-0

Bryan Charnley: Art and Adversity combines biography and monograph. The painter’s life defined his art, his art defined his life. James Charnley was witness to the adversities experienced by his twin and the evolution of his art. His book surveys the artist’s childhood, adolescence and the madness that was to afflict his life and found consummate expression in the paintings. Augmented by interviews, journals, medical records, letters and diaries this book provides an informed and fascinating study of a turbulent life and the art this inspired. Bryan Charnley was a gifted artist who applied his painterly skills to describe the invisible: mental anguish is largely internalised. The works he created use metaphorical imagery to describe existential dilemmas. It was by such devices the artist intended to restore painting to its inceptive purpose and conviction. Bryan Charnley: Art and Adversity presents his paintings with all their colour, intensity and eloquence.