Linda Wilkinson – Australian Interview about her books about The Rainbow Kangaroo Family


The Rainbow Kangaroo Family story was first told to Linda’s grand-children back in 2020 in Melbourne way before the pandemic, their excitement was so overwhelming – it was then Linda decided to have it published.

The more time she spent on this story, the bigger it became in her mind.  At this point. Linda then realised she had created The Rainbow Kangaroo Family.  This was something truly special to her.  “I am so passionate about it because I know all children will love this story, because it’s about Rainbow, in the next series there is a character for each child to enjoy.  Each child will have their own favourite character for boys and girls”.

Tell me more about your latest book

The Rainbow Kangaroo Family live in Melbourne Australia ,

Rainbow who is the oldest Kangaroo she thinks about her actions and how to solve problems; because her twin brothers Ady and Lulu always find themselves in trouble.

What was the most challenging aspect of writing this book?

It’s not just the writing. Over the last two years i have worked on my youtube channel built my platform, worked on my website. I also donated copies of my book to local hospital’s charities and school libraries.

What is your normal procedure to get your books published?

This was not easy for me, as there are so many publishers about, trying to find the right one for me it took me 3 months to find a publisher I could meet face to face and to find the right one for me, that believed in me and my story as these day’s it’s all done online.

Do you find writing a spiritual practice?

I find writing is a spiritual habit: it untangles our thoughts

Express our emotions, what I enjoy most is my immagination as I see life through my grand-daughters eyes.

How many books have you written so far?

So far the Rainbow Kangaroo Family is my first book published, however I have written a series, Called (Gran mars house Thailand) where TRKF go on vacation with their cousins and they go on many exciting and secret adventures and who they meet on their magical adventures.

What is the best way to market your book?

Social media, bookstores, marketing campaigns.

How hard is it to establish and maintain a career in writing?

For me it was not easy i believe you have to be passionate about writing as I was going into the unknown? Now 2 years on I work on other projects, so writing is not all I do since.  Then I started my series I could not stop writing. I was so excited and got caught up in my stories.  To maintain a career in writing stay positive and focused believe in yourself, this journey has opened my mind to bigger projects.

What is your advise for aspiring writers?

If you really want to write then do it there is so much help out there, I never intended to write, this started for me by telling a story to my grand-children, but if I can do it anyone can , stay positive be determined and don’t let anyone tell you different, just believe.