Author: Bill East

Well, after a rather cold and wet end to November, the Summer seems to have finally arrived in Sydney!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and all’s well with the world….well up to a point!

My book ‘Maddie and the King of Paradise’ has just been published and I’m hopeful that lots of people will buy it and everybody will enjoy it.

In this, the sequel to ‘Maddie Trinco’ and the last in the trilogy which began with ‘The Arbutus’, Maddie ‘graduates’ to becoming a fully fledged assassin.

Gone are the days of retribution for evil ‘nobodies’. Maddie’s targets have become National and International figures whom she deems have brought misery and destruction to those under their control.

The climactic end to the novel concerns Maddie’s last target, an African Dictator. Her project is successful albeit with surprising and disastrous consequences.

Hope you like the book!….it’s a ’stand alone’ story but maybe you should read ‘The Arbutus’ and ‘Maddie Trinco’ first. It’ll give you a bit of background and you just might fall in love with Maddie!