Business Laid Bare by David John Gibbs

Business Laid Bare by David John Gibbs

Price: £16.98

ISBN: 978-1-914933-49-3

David J Gibbs has been working for many years in a variety of interesting organisations. These range from the electronics industry to finance and investment banking. His experiences have provided a full appreciation and understanding of how businesses have changed and evolved over the past decades. He emphasizes how important it is to recognise increased trends in outsourcing, advances in technology and ecommerce, management and workforce changes, customer expectations, trends in the UK economy and global market expectations, among many others.

In addition to the above and impacting the majority of business entities, criminal behaviour and cybercrime is growing with intensity and the impact of these risks should not be underestimated. Businesses should therefore ensure that they have the necessary preventative and monitoring measures in place to mitigate these risks.

The purpose of this book is to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of the key aspects and component parts to consider regarding effective business operations, governance and the protection of company and client assets.

It is hoped that every level of reader within the business community from CEO to first level management, college /university students and members of the public, will use this book as a source of reference and that they will find the advice and guidelines informative and helpful.

Happy Reading!

How to be a Successful Salesperson & How to Manage Your Success by Malcolm Rawle

How to be a Successful Salesperson & How to Manage Your Success by Malcolm Rawle

Price: £12.98

ISBN: 978-1-914933-52-3

An easy-to-read training guide to becoming a successful salesperson. Explained with humour and coloured illustrations.

Become a Great Leader & Coach Using NLP by Steve Kay

Become a Great Leader & Coach Using NLP by Steve Kay


Price: Paperback £6.95, Kindle £3.99

ISBN: 978-1-9999129-8-7

This book shows you how to become inspired as a leader or coach so that you can become inspirational to others. It starts with a warning about becoming one of the `Norm’s’ who drift through life in their comfort zone. Never quite realising their awesomeness but with some simple changes to their thinking and habits they could reset and reboot their mental software and really shine. It starts with a down-to-earth explanation about how our mind works and some simple tips you can use straight away to manage your state and become more effective. It looks at the basics of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), how it works and what it is with simple explanations free of jargon and a no-nonsense approach enabling you to become a great leader and coach.

Steve Kay lives in Ashby de la Zouch with Dawn, their son Josh and Cocker Spaniel Smudge. He and Josh enjoy watching football together and are both learning to play golf. Steve leads a team of trainers who deliver leadership and coaching training and their `How to be a better you’ workshops across the private and public sectors enabling people to learn how to inspire themselves. Steve also delivers the NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner certified training across the UK.